Monday, September 8, 2008

gueSs WhAt AddY's gOing tO be FOr HaLlOweeN?

A sweet little treat! A piece of 'CaNdy COrn' that is... Isn't she the cutest thing...I could just eat her up.

I know that it's September...but there were only two costumes and who knows if it would still be available when I went back to Target in October.


marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

oh my gosh I can't take it, that is so cute and funny all at once

Hilarie said...

I love that costume. I was actually standing in Target wondering if it would be too weird to make Carson be a piece of candy corn... the answer - yes! So sadly - he will have to be something macho. Probably something from Star Wars with some sort of weapon... :(

Addy looks darling! :)

The Hickman Family said...

Wow, Addy is the cutest piece of candy corn I've ever seen! Thanks for having us over last night. We had a blast!