Thursday, August 28, 2008

BakInG CoOkIeS With MOmmY

Aaliyah and I had a fun time baking princess sugar cookies! We had a flouring good time. Thanks Aaliyah for making me feel like a kid again.

SuGaR CoOkieS

1 Cup BuTter

2/3 CuP SuGaR

BeAt in: 1 Egg

AdD: 1 tSp. VanilLa

1/2 tSp. SaLt

2 1/2 cUp SiftEd FlOuR

Mix until all ingredients are well blended. Chill dough 3-4 hours before rolling.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Roll out and cut. Bake about 8-10 minutes or until barely colored.

Cookies can be frosted and decorated or eaten just plain.


3/4 cUp pOwderEd SuGar ( SifTed)

1 TBS. BuTteR

1 TBS. MiLk

1/2 tSp. VanilLa

1/4 tSp. LemOn juICe

Melt butter,combine all ingredients, and beat until smooth.

Add food coloring if desired.

yiELd 1/3 cUp

Ann Clark Ltd

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AaLiyAh's HallOwEen cOstumE

Aaliyah wants to be Dorothy from the 'Wizard Of Oz' this year for Halloween. She is so excited for Halloween...she keeps asking, "when is Halloween, is it tomorrow?" It's her favorite Holiday because she gets to dress-up!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MarbuRgeR FarM AnTiQue ShOw

There is this antique show twice a year at the Marbuger Farm. I have wanted to go ever since I first saw the show two years ago in one of the Country Living magazines. I never remember when they have the shows so I end up missing them...there is a show this fall. September 30th- October 4th and I really hope I get to go!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

ViNtaGe ARt fOr ChiLdren

I love this vintage artist Edelen Wille. She does nursery rymes and other pieces. I want to do Adysons nursery with her art work. I am so excited! I also found this sweet vintage website called Baby Goes Vintage. It's really neat and priced pretty well too.